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Become a Member of Hecc

We have been very productive over the course of the past few years and a number of exciting projects have come to fruition. These include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. A certification expiration date is stamped on the HECC label for player’s helmets. A player’s helmet remains HECC certified for 6-1/2 years from date of manufacture.
  2. HECC certified helmets are now recommended for in-line hockey
  3. HECC funds the delegation representing the United States to the International Standards Organization (ISO) which is responsible for creating unified international standards for ice hockey

HECC membership is composed of individuals from a variety of disciplines. Dr. Alan Ashare, is the creator of the program and video associated with “Heads Up Hockey.” There are members of HECC who are consultants to NOCSAE, the NFL and others who are in leadership roles in the ASTM.

It should be noted at this time we are also encouraging USA Hockey members to become part of and participate in HECC. Although this is strictly voluntary, it is important to note that HECC was established over thirty-five years ago at the request of USA Hockey. Many of our decisions do affect the equipment used in the game.

Another group that we are also encouraging to become HECC members are medical and dental professionals and safety specialists. There is no doubt that individuals in these areas could make significant contributions in protective equipment and the avoidance of serious injuries during the playing of hockey.

We look forward to having you become a member of our organization. With your support, we can only become a better and more effective adjunct to the sport of hockey.

Send your request to with the following information or fill form :

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